RAMS Wellbeing INC exists to build resilience and promote wellbeing in secondary school students enrolled throughout Australia.
RAMS exists to build resilience and promote wellbeing in secondary school students enrolled throughout Australia. We focus on building self-esteem, critical reflection skills, and social-emotional intelligence in each student.
RAMS equips students with life skills based on the seven pillars of resilience and is tailored to students in high school. Available to all Australian schools, it equips students and teachers with the skills they need as they walk through life’s challenges.
Born from a partnership between School Focused Youth Service, Mitchell Youth Services, and Founder and Program Director Faith Battistella, the RAMS program emerged in 2017.
Following extensive consultation with secondary schools, RAMS swiftly evolved from concept to reality. The consultation identified a need for a program to address the lack of resilience and belief in self which students were experiencing across Mitchell Shire, and so, a program was delivered as a pilot in the later half of that year.
The pilot was a success, and in 2018, the vision for the program grew. Following the pandemic, RAMS now has a waiting list of schools requesting the program be rolled out to their students not just within the Mitchell Shire but across Australia.
Meet Our FOUNDER & Program Director
Faith Battistella
Faith has worked with young people for more than 12 years. She has been trained in youth mental health programs, leadership programs, and holds a Bachelor of Youth Work and Ministry.
Faith has been working with secondary schools for more than 10 years – mentoring, motivational speaking, and coordinating school wellbeing programs across Australia.
As the Founder of RAMS Wellbeing Inc for Australian secondary schools, Faith is motivated to see students, many of whom were at risk of disengaging from school, emerge as empowered, resilient individuals.

Our Vision
Empowering the Young People of Tomorrow: Cultivating Resilience, Inspiring strength, and building futures.
This vision statement encapsulates the essence of a resilience program for young people. It emphasizes empowerment, resilience-building, and fostering a sense of strength and determination among the youth.
It aims to inspire and equip young individuals with the tools, skills, and support necessary to navigate challenges and setbacks, ultimately enabling them to shape a promising and resilient future.

Our Contribution
Creating a program that teaches the necessary skills for young people to bounce back from adversity. 83% of our students have reported back that they feel more equipped to deal with life’s hardships.
A resilience program implemented in schools will create a positive ripple effect by fostering a supportive and inclusive school environment, promoting mental health and wellbeing among students and teachers, and improving overall academic and social outcomes.
Our resources offer tools for teachers to help them journey with a young person and remind them of the skills learned from the program to enable them to become a resilient young person.
RAMS Endorser
“RAMS is a much-needed resource for students and school communities. I had the privilege of being part of the program last year and saw how much it meant to the students and teachers. They were encouraged, inspired and challenged to think bigger. They were reminded that they have worth and value no matter what their circumstances.
I’m looking forward to seeing RAMS expand into many more schools to further the reach of equipping the next generation with the skills needed to overcome challenges, build resilience and courage and live purpose-filled lives. “
– Angela Michel (Founder)